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Ganesha Stotra

Ganesha is the Supreme God and a major divine force who is worshipped necessarily before the initiation of any new projects in our life with a major belief that he take will take care and give a positive end over.

Ganesha Stotra is one of the major devotional mantra of Lord Ganesha and its origin is from Naaradha Puranam. It is believed that Stotram of Lord Vinayaga will bless us with a peaceful and happy life.Let us discuss the Stotra with meaning.


Lord Ganesha

Pranamya shirasa devam gauri-putram vinayakam |
Bhaktavasam smarennityam ayuh-kamartha-siddhaye |1|

Prathamam vakra-tundam cha eka-dantam dvitiyakam |

Tritiyam krishna-pingaksham gaja vaktram chaturthakam|2|

Lambodaram panchamam cha shashtham vikatameva cha |
Saptamam vighna-rajendram dhumra-varnam tathashtamam |3|
Navamam bhala-chandram cha dashamam tu vinayakam |
Ekadashamam gana-patim dvadasham tu gajananam |4|
Dvadashaitani namani trisandhyam yah pathen_narah |
Na cha vighna-bhayam tasya sarva-siddhi-karah prabhuh |5|

Vidyarthi labhate vidyam dhanarthi labhate dhanam |
Putrarthi labhate putranmoksharthi labhate gatim |6|
Japedganapati-stotram shadbhirmasaih phalam labhet |

Samvatsarena siddhim cha labhate natra samshayah |7|
Ashtebhyo brahmanebhyashcha likhitva yah samarpayet |
Tasya vidya bhavetsarva ganeshasya prasadatah |8|

Lord Ganesha

             One who wishes for more life,wealth and love should salute Lord Ganesha who is the son of  Devi Parvathi,worship by thinking him firstly as the God with broken tusk,secondly as the God with single tusk,thirdly as the one God with reddish black eyes,fourthly as the God who has the elephant's face,fifthly as the God who has a very broad stomach

          Sixthly as the God who is brutal to his enemies and seventh as the God who is the remover of hurdles and eighthly as the God who is with the colour of smoke,ninethly as the God who has the crescent in his forehead,tenthly as the God who is the leader in removing hurdles and eleventh as the God who is the leader of Lord Shiva's army and at last as the God who has elephant's face.

           One who is worshipping him with this twelve appraisal at dawn,noon and dusk will never have a fear of defeat and will always achieve success.He bless us with our needs.That is one who pray for education will get knowledge and one who want money will earn money and one who wishes for a child will get a child and one who want redemption will get redemption.As a result one who is chanting this stotra will get all his needs fulfilled and get knowledgeable and blessed with all outstanding quality by the grace of Lord Ganesha.Thus Ganesha would destroy all sorrows.


          This stotra especially praises Lord Ganesha with his appearance and supreme powers.So the souls chanting this stotra will get a hurdle free life and get all desires in life.☺☺☺



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